#seems to be a contraction of 死んだの全部食べていい?
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shocotate · 3 years ago
Gluttony (グラトニー)
Voracious Homunculus (「暴食」のホムンクルス)
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“Can I eat all of them?” 「全部食べていい?」
Homunculus of “Gluttony”. Always hungry, "Can I eat?" is his favourite phrase. He has a calm personality, but once his emotions get the better of him, he goes berserk. He indiscriminately swallows everything around him.
Pride | Lust | Greed | Envy | Sloth | Gluttony
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kaialone · 7 years ago
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 1, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the intro and first cutscene of the game.
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Since the intro sequence doesn’t have much text, I’m translating the first cutscene, too! This is the basic set-up for the game, explaining the motivation of the Busters, while also hinting at the adversaries they will face...
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Intro Scene:
Toranka: ふふん… 意外と早かったねえ… 優秀じゃないか Heheh... That was suprsingly quick... Ain't that great?
Gowin: ふっ… Hmph...
Toranka: イイねえ あたしゃ好きだよ! 派手にいこうじゃないかァ! Nice, just the way I like it! Let’s put on a little show!
Toranka: ハッハァー! 音に聞こえた ブンドリー一家が逃げてるんだ… Haha! The renowned Bundory Family is getting away...
Toranka: そう来なくっちゃねぇっ!! That's what I'm talking about!!
Toranka: おまえたちっ…! Guys...!
Toranka: お祈りはすませたかい? Have ya made yer prayers?
Toranka: ふふん… すんでなくても…… いっくよォォォォッ! Hehe... wether ya did or not... Here we go!
第1話 バスターズ解散!? Chapter 1 Busters Disbanded!?
At the Busters House:
Whisper: た、 大変でうぃぃすっ! W-we got a huge problem, whis!
Whisper: 「あと10日」で ここから放り出されますよ〜っ! In "just 10 more days", we'll be thrown out of here!
Jibanyan: ニャンだってぇーっ!? What was that!?
Komasan: もんげ〜〜っ!? Mongeeee!? (1)
Komasan: オラたちが この基地を 出ていくってことズラ…? We're gon get outta this base...?
Jibanyan: …見ての通り 食後のダラダラタイムで こっちは超忙しいニャン! ...As you can see, we're super busy with our after dinner loafing around time, nyan!
Jibanyan: おかしなこと言うと ゆるさんニャンよ! I'm nyot gonna let you say any weird stuff, nyan!
Whisper: これを見るでうぃぃぃっっす!! Look at this, whiiis!!
Sunao: え〜と… Uhh... (2)
Whisper: …これは ここを借りるときに 大家さんと結んだ 「契約書」です! ...This is the "contract" we made with the landlady, back when we rented this place!
Jibanyan: そんなコムズカシイもんが どうかしたニャン? So, what about this convoluted thing, nyan?
Whisper: ここを見るでうぃす! Look at this here, whis!
Whisper: 「約束の10日後までに1億円を 払わないなら ここから出て行け!」 "If you don't pay the 100 million yen within 10 days after the promised time, get out of there!" (3)
Whisper: って しっかりハッキリ 書いてるんでうぃす! ...That's written here clearly and precisely, whis!
Sunao: 1億円〜っ!? 100 million yen!?
Whisper: はい…さっき大家さんからお電話が… Yes... Also, the landlady called earlier...
Whisper: しかもですね 笑顔が丸わかりの ニコニコした声で… And get this, with a gleeful voice that made it obvious she was smilling... 
Whisper: 「次に入るカラオケ屋も決まってる」って… ...she said: "I've decided that a karaoke place should go in there next, too", ...
Whisper: まさか…! と契約書を見直したら ホントのホントにかいてるんですよっ! She can't be serious...! And, going over the contract, it really truly does say that!
Komasan: ほ…ほんとズラ? F...for real?
Whisper: ん〜… でもこんなの ここを 借りた時に書いてましたっけ…? Hmm... But did it say that back when we rented this place, too...?
Jibanyan: …そ そんなデタラメな契約は 取り消しだニャン! ...J-just cancel that willy-nyilly contract, nyan!
Jibanyan: バカバカしくて 笑えてくるニャン! 二… ニャハハハハ…!! It's so stupid, it makes me laugh, nyan! Ny... Nyahahahaha...!!
Whisper: ん〜 …けどここに 「肉球のはんこ」が ベッタリ押されてるんですよねえ Hmm... but you see, there's a "paw print seal" stamped directly onto it.
Komasan: オ… オラじゃないズラ〜 ケイヤクショなんて見たことないズラ… I... it ain't me. I've never seen that contract thing before... (4)
Whisper: …だとすると 残りは〜? ...So that only leaves?
Jibanyan: ドキッ!! *Badump*!!
Hikikōmori: まさか 追加の契約は ジバニャンが……? No way, did Jibanyan make this additional contract...? (5)
(flashback start)
Text: 1年前- One Year Ago
Honebijin: ごめんくださ〜い! Excuuuuse me! (6)
Jibanyan: 何だニャン〜? What is it, nyan?
Jibanyan: ニャ〜 ふぶくちゃんが居ない時にかぎって お客さんだニャン… めんどいニャン。 Nya~ Right when Fubuki-chan isn't there, we get a customer, nyan... What a pain  in the nyeck.
Jibanyan: ニャニャッ…大家さんだニャン そうか今日は月の終わり… Nyanya... It's the landlady, nyan... Right, today's the end of the month...
Jibanyan: ためにためた家賃を払う 最悪の日ニャン! The worst day ever, where we gotta pay our saved up rent for it, nyan!
Honebijin: ふむ… 「ためにためた」自覚はあるようですね Hm... There seems to be some self-awareness "saved up for it". (7)
Honebijin: では! 今日という今日は 払ってもらいますよっ! So! Today is the day where you pay up!
Jibanyan: そ そこのお金が全部ニャン たぶん足りるはずニャン…。 T-that money over there is all, nyan. It's probably enyough, nyan...
Honebijin: ほう…。 Oh...
Honebijin: …ふむ たしかに あることはありますが 「100円」足りないようですな ...Hm, while there is some here, it seems to be "100 yen" short. (8)
Honebijin: さ! 払ってもらいましょう… 100円! So! You will have to pay... 100 yen!
Jibanyan: …えへへ〜 オレっちたち まだまだ 「かけ出しバスターズ」だニャ〜ン? ...Ehehehe, well, we're still "newbie Busters", nyaaan?
Jibanyan: 100円なんて大金あるわけないニャ〜ン。 We don't have lots of money, like 100 yen, nyaaan.
Honebijin: 払わないと 出てってもらう約束です! The agreement is that, if you do not pay, you will get out of here! 
Honebijin: だいたい 「おちこぼれバスターズ」のクセに You are basically the "dunce Busters"...
Honebijin: こ〜んなゴージャスなビルを 借りる方が どうかしてるんです! And yet you are the tenants of suuuch a gorgeous building. there is something wrong with that! (9)
Honebijin: ワタシも育ちがいいもですから テッキリ払っていただけるものと信じ込み… I am of noble upbringing, too, so naturally, I firmly believed you would pay up...
Honebijin: 今じゃダマされたと 大変後悔しております だいたい「信頼」というのはですね…! But now that I have been deceived by you, I deeply regret it. This is basically a manner of "trust", you know...!
Jibanyan: なんニャン なんニャン! たかが100円ぼっちで What the heck, nyan!? It's just 100 yen...
Jibanyan: ���タガタぬかすんじゃないニャン! こんなはした金 オレっちたちが出世したら So, what are you rattling on about, nya!?  (10) Once we make it big...
Jibanyan: 100万倍にして返してやるニャン! ...We'll return it to you a million times, nyan!
Jibanyan: もしダメだったら1年後にここから 出て行ってやるニャ〜ン! If we can't do that in one year, we're getting outta here, nyaaan!
Honebijin: なな…なんてことを! W-w... What are you saying!?
Honebijin: だったらホントに「100万倍」で 返してくれるんですね!? So you will really return it "1 million" times, you say!?
Honebijin: 1年後!じゃないとホントのホントに 出てってもらいますよ〜っ!! In one year, then! And if not, I am really, truly throwing you out!!
Jibanyan: おうニャン! 1年後には札束に リボンかけて返してやるニャ〜ン! You're on, nyan! In one year, we'll return it to you, wrapped and tied up with a ribbon, nyaaan!
(flashback end)
Whisper: そ…そんな… No... No way...
Whisper: ホントに約束しちゃったなんて!? You actually promised that!?
Komasan: しかも1億円ズラ…!! An' one hundred million to boot...!!
Jibanyan: 100円の100万倍って よく考えれば1億円なんだニャン。 Yeah, if you think about it, 100 yen times a million really is 100 milion yen, nyan. 
Whisper: 知ってるでうぃす!! I know that, whis!!
Jibanyan: あの時は ヒートアップしてて スッポリぬけてたニャン ニャハハ…。 I got pretty heated back then, so that just slipped out, nyan, nyahaha...
Whisper: ……こうなったら すべて 責任とってもらうしかないですね。 ...Since it's come to this, you have no choice but to take responsibility for everything.
Jibanyan: ニャ…? Nya...?
Jibanyan: ニャハハ…そんなコワイ顔して… オレっちが交渉しなかったら Nyahaha... you guys are looking pretty scary... You know, it's only cause I nyegotiated...
Jibanyan: みんな ここにいられなかったニャンよ〜? ...that we all could stay here, nyo?
Whisper: ジ〜バ〜ニャ〜ン!! JIBANYAN!!
Jibanyan: みんな… みんな…… Guys... guys...
Jibanyan: 目を覚ますニャ〜ッ! Open your eyes, nyaaan!
Whisper: きゅぅぅ…。 Kyuuu...
Komasan: ひどいズラ〜…。 That was mean...
Jibanyan: 何言ってるニャン! お金お金…! 今はお金なんか どうでもいいニャン! What are you talking about, nyan!? Money, money...! Right now, nothing matters but the money, nyan...!
Jibanyan: 大事なのは 今何をするべきかニャン! じゃないと… What we're gonna do now is important, nyan! Well, nyo...
Jibanyan: お金なんかより大切な「思い出」!  Our "memories" are even more important than the money!
Jibanyan: 「思い出」を… みんな失うことになるニャンよ? Our "memories"... are we gonna lose them all, nyan?
Whisper: …思い出? ...Memories?
Jibanyan: そうだニャン つらかったこと…楽しかったこと… That's right, nyan. Rough times... fun times...
Jibanyan: オレっちたちのすべてニャン! All we have, nyan!
Jibanyan: そのためにどれだけ ブリー隊長のシゴキに耐えたニャン That's why we've endured Captain Bully's harsh training for so long, nyan.
Jibanyan: …みんな このまま離ればなれになって… ...Guys, if we don't do anything, we'll all be seperated...
Jibanyan: ホントに いいニャンか〜っ!? Are you really okay with that, nyan!?
Whisper: まあでも…。 Well, even so...
Komasan: …言ってることはわかるズラ。 ...I hear ya.
Jibanyan: このぐうたら生活を守るためなら… To protect this lazy life...
Jibanyan: オレっち死ぬ気でがんばるニャ〜ンっ!! ...I'd work myself to death, nyaaan!!
Whisper: …ぐうたらなのか やる気があるのか わかりませんが… ...I can't tell if you're lazy, or motivated...
Whisper: でも確かに! 今何か手を打つべきなのは たしかでうぃす! But certainly! We should certainly do something about this, whis!
Komasan: でも1億ズラ… But, one hundred million...
Komasan: そんな大金どうするズラ? How can we get so much money?
Whisper: とにかく! ここはブリー隊長に相談です! 司令室に行きましょう! In any case! We should consult Captain Bully about this! Let's head for the control room! (11)
もんげー/Mongee is actually a pre-existing term in the Japanese language. It is a contraction of ものすごい/monosugoi, and could literally be translated as something like awesome or terrific and the like. From what I understand it’s part of the Oyakama Dialect, spoken in the Okayama Prefecture, though I have also read some people stating is isn’t as common there as some people think.
Sunao is known as Sandmeh in English.
One hundred million yen are roughly nine hundred thousand U.S. dollars.
When Komasan says “contract” it’s spelled in katakana rather than kanji, which is a subtle indication that he doesn’t know the word that well.
Hikikōmori is known as Hidabat in English.
Honebijin is known as Skelebella in English.
I am a bit unsure if I got both this and the one before it right.
100 yen are roughly 1 U.S dollar.
I am a bit unsure about this part, too.
This might be a bit of a pun, where Jibanyan uses ガタガタ/gatagata in Japanese, which is a rattling noise, but can also refer to “complaining”.
Captain Bully is literally called ブリー隊長/Burī-taichō in Japanese, and Sergeant Burly in English.
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